Food Scrap Drop-Off & Collection
Be a part of ReSoiling Sacramento! We offer weekly residential or small business collection for a fee. FREE Drop-off at the Saturday Midtown Farmers Market. More Info

Soil & Garden Services
We can come to your school, church, or home and start building healthy soil for a garden or just to cover a lawn. Let's do it!
Restaurant Services
We welcome all "Farm-to-Fork" restaurants in the greater Sacramento to join our "boutique" Farm-to-Fork-to-Farm carbon network, feeding the soils of Sacramento. Please contact us at [email protected] to inquire about service. If you can work with our program, we will meet your Organics Diversion requirement with the County of Sacramento. We also want your cork oak, and advocate for Clarksburg Chenin blanc.
Sustainable Steps
GRAS is dedicated to growing a sustainable food community through education and action.
Join us now.

Cork Recycling
Don't throw this valuable natural resource into the landfill. Natural cork can be reused to make a number of valuable items. In Midtown, bring your used cork to ReFill Madness on 29th St. next to Pushkin's Bakery.

Zero-Waste Events
Demand for full service Zero-Waste Events program has unfortunately died. We currently offer our "Recycle Stations" available for rental. Rent stations depending on need. Inquire for your event.

Clarksburg Chenin blanc
We advocate for our Sacramento region's wine specialty, Clarksburg Chenin blanc. Chenin blanc loves our delta river valley heat and cool breezy nights. Drink Chenin blanc from a local producer.