Get in the Loop!
Everybody can play a part in reducing greenhouse gases and building up the health of our neighborhoods. We invite you to join us.
ReSoil needs your help
We need to spread the word, to teach the importance of diversion and the benefits of regenerative garden practices, and to start growing and stewarding our suburban landscapes. In addition to more composters and gardeners, we need:
• Nonprofit Bookkeeping and Accounting
• Communications and Social Media
• Grantwriting
• Volunteer Coordinators
• Education and Compost Demonstration Volunteers

Volunteer With Us
Want to offer your services or make compost at your nearest partner garden, farm, or school? Or do pickups on our Midtown bicycle collection route? Or just come out and see how it's done?
Build a Garden or Forest
Join our network of partner farms, gardens, and schools. Do you need organic matter in your front or back yard? Does your church lack its Garden of Eden? Grow your own!
We are a community based non-profit organization that needs your financial support to work at schools and in disadvantaged neighborhoods.