Compost &




221 NYC Compost Drop-Off Locations

The Soil Story - MUST WATCH!  The big picture in a short animation (3:23).

The Marin Carbon Project (Stemple Creek) Foundational study showing the importance of compost to carbon sequestration.

United Nations 2015 Year of Soils - UN declares we need to reverse the rate of soil degradation worldwide.

ILSR - Institute for Local Self-Reliance  - ILSR has brought community composting together as a movement. Hierarchy to Reduce Food Waste, Soil Rebuilders Training, Infographic posters, Podcast.

Kiss the Ground - The brilliant So-Cal organization behind the regenerative movement, and more.

BioCycle Magazine - The authority in composting and organics recycling for over 60 years.

GrowNYC - NYC is national leader in community composting with 25 years of investment. Left - NYC map showing community drop-off locations.


Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture - Toby Hemenway.  How to Use (excerpt)

The One-Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming - Masunobu Fukuaka has a close to nature philosophy. Video - Documentary: Stock Keeda

Ruth Stout


Elaine's Soil Food Web - Elaine Ingham, the queen of the Soil-Food Web and advocate of the complex system that is the soil.

Roots Demystified, Understanding Roots and other significant works by Robert Kourik.

Healthy Soil & More

Lynn Fang - Soil • Ecology • Community • Empowerment,  Cosmic Compost

Farmer Rishi - Teacher of regenerative gardening and more.

Carbon Sponge - is an interdisciplinary effort to explore carbon sequestration in urban environments.

Community Composting

Rust Belt Riders, OH
Rust Belt Riders, OH

CCAC - California Alliance for Community Composters Facebook

SELC - Sustainable Economies Law Center Supporting community-scale compost legislation.

Community-Scale Composting Systems : A Comprehensive Practical Guide for Closing the Food System Loop and Solving Our Waste Crisis by James McSweeney.

LA Compost - Los Angeles, CA.

Food2Soil, Inika Small Earth - San Diego, CA

Common Compost - Oakland, CA

The Rust Belt Riders- Cleveland, OH

BKRot - Brooklyn, NY

Juneau Composts - AL

Peels and Wheels Composting - New Haven, CT