Residents are now diverting over 500 lbs/week at our community drop-off locations at the Midtown Farmers Market on Saturday and Wednesdays at Winn. Ask a Market official if you can't find our bins.
9am to 1:00pm
Midtown Farmers Market - Bins are located at Jazz Alley on 20th Street between J and K Streets.
Wednesday at Winn Market - Bins are located along the (south) fence of the Children's Playground.
Recycle your Food Scraps with us. Watch this video
This is how we like it. If you feel more comfortable leaving a sack, you can - just don't tie it. Note: all plastic bags (even compostable ones) will be landfilled. Paper bags will be composted. More info below.
• Food Scraps*
• Egg Shells
• Napkins, Coffee Filters ok
• NO Meats, Oils
• NO Plastics, Twist-Ties*
• NO PLA "Compostable" Wares*
• Fresh Scraps 🙂 - We anticipate our collections to be a part of a weekly routine of composting: ie. we don't want month-old soups from refrigerator clean outs. Nature won't mind it, but our network of schools and gardens may. :-/
• Frozen Scraps - We are finding that many patrons freeze their scraps. This is a very clean and simple way to avoid any drips or fruit flies. Frozen or fresh is good for us.
• Paper or Plastic? - Paper bags work well for us. We just throw them into the compost pile :). We will accept plastic bags if it is easiest for you. Please don't tie bags. so we can just reach in and grab the plastic bag to empty it into the compost pile. DO NOT TIE BAGS!
• Compostable PLA Plastic Bags - NO, we don't want them anymore. We suspect that they have the "forever" chemical PFAS, and that is something we don't want in our soil. We will accept them, but they will not be composted - they will be thrown away. DO NOT TIE BAGS!
• DO NOT TIE BAGS! - They are so hard to untie... thx!
PFA's Found in Food Waste and Packaging, Sierra Club Grassroots Network, March 15, 2020.
We want our staff to be able to dump the material in the compost bin without having to fish out and untie those compostable bags. Ironic note: Nothing that "says" compostable will be compostable in our gardens (except paper).
Skip the Market. Sign up for weekly collection with ReSoil
Due to popular demand, we are expanding our bicycle powered (when possible) Residential Collections in the greater Sacramento area. Sign up or inquire here:

Consider Backyard Composting
Backyard composting is the highest and best use of your food scraps. It is easy and cheap and great for our ecosystem. Look for a list of upcoming City of Sacramento & County of Sacramento Compost seminars. Or come out and learn with us.
Contact us if you have questions.
Remember, every 10lbs is equivalent to driving 9.29 miles, and creates compost for local gardens and greenscapes. Compost!